Use of Cookies

Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies and we aim to be transparent in communicating this to you. Cookies are used by the vast majority of business and personal websites on the internet. Sustainable Aviation Services (SAS) operates in accordance with applicable Swiss cookie and privacy laws.

Our cookies are generated by well-known, long-established companies: WordPress, StatCounter, Google, Mailchimp, Surveymonkey. Our cookies are primarily used for technical and statistical reasons and they provide a log of technical information that is used to be able to provide you with a functional website and a good user experience. The technical information collected includes elements such as visitors’ browser type (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc), operating system and the resolution of screen so that our website is optimally displayed, which pages are browsed so that we know which ones are more popular.

The systems we use log the internet IP address of visitors to our websites. The IP address helps us to know which country or region the website visitor was based in and which helps us to determine the level of interest in, and general geographical location of people who may be interested in attending our conferences / events. We do not actively lookup further details of IP addresses beyond their geographical location, except occasionally for reasons of IT security and technical analysis, if for example, we suspect a hacking attempt and we would need to liaise with relevant organisations to identify its source and to allow us to protect our systems.

Cookies also help us to improve our websites. For example, the statistics have helped us to notice that we have visitors from many different countries, therefore, we are considering providing other language versions in the future.

Our systems log if a visitor to our websites was referred from another website, or came via a Google search or other search engine enquiry. We look at this information periodically to help us to assess the success of our communication and promotional efforts.

Some cookie types or services can provide website owners with more in-depth information. We do not subscribe for more detailed analytical / behavioural services which Google Analytics offers because we do not have a need nor desire to use advanced analytics.

When you first visit our website you will be prompted to agree that we use cookies. If you do not agree you should either not continue to use our website, or alternatively you should take steps yourself to manage or delete cookies in your browser / device. Most web browsers allow you to manage cookies and allow you to reject some or all cookies altogether, and delete any existing ones from all the websites that you have already visited. If you choose this option, you may still use websites, however, you may experience a lower quality experience, or possibly not be able to access all features. If you are not sure how to achieve this you should follow the instructions of your web browser manufacturer, and for your convenience we have provided below a link to an organisation which provides easy to follow instructions on how to manage cookies for the major browsers and where you can learn more about cookies beyond our brief introduction:

Updated 30 August 2020