
Sustainable Aviation Services (SAS) uses your personal information / data and protects your privacy as stated below. Our policy reflects the requirements of Swiss data protection and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

In common with other business websites, SAS uses cookies to help us understand where our visitors come from and which parts of our website they visit, and related technical information that helps us to improve the user experience. Some of the technical information collected in our logs, such as your internet provider IP address, may be classed as personal information under the EU GDPR. Further details on how we use cookies are in our cookie policy.

In terms of your personal data, SAS collects your personal data when you submit to us your details via the contact form, when you register to attend one of our events, when you pay in connection to attend one of our events or use our services, when you send us an e-mail or phone us, or transact commercially with us regarding any other product or service we may provide.

SAS uses any personal data that you provide us with to generally provide our services and we may use and retain your personal data to provide you with our services. As an existing client we make a reasonable business assumption that as a professional involved in a narrow subject area within aviation you may be interested in our services, and we may inform you accordingly.

Our events include explicit opt-in choices. Should you no longer require marketing or informational communications to be sent to you, you can inform us at any time by using the contact form on this website, or using an opt-out choice on any specific email.

Please be aware that even after receiving your opt-out request, we may still need to retain and use your personal data for other purposes such as complying with legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing our agreements. We may need to retain your personal data for backup or archive purposes for an extended period of time due to legal, tax or regulatory reasons, or for legitimate and lawful business purposes. For example, tax authorities may require the retention of personal data related to commercial transactions for ten years or longer.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, correct, opt-out or other actions, please contact us using the contact form on this website.

SAS utilises several information technology processing and storage systems to be able to provide you with our services and run our organisation. Your personal data may be stored or processed in Switzerland or other countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) or European Free Trade Association (EFTA), or outside of this region such as England, the rest of the UK, or the US. We are not able to provide guarantees that our suppliers may also process or store such information in another country. You agree to your processing and storage of your information outside of the EEA / EFTA by using our website or services.

Updated 30 August 2020